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Flat Closure Now nonprofit organization for breast cancer and mastectomy patients in need of mastectomy pictures, patient stories, support and education on aesthetic flat closure, explant breast implants, and going flat.

FCN Vice President, Emily Hopper 

intimacy after flat closure

The National Cancer Institute defines
Aesthetic Flat Closure as:

 type of surgery that is done to rebuild the shape of the chest wall
after one or both breasts are removed. 

An aesthetic flat closure may also be done after removal of
a breast implant that was used to restore breast shape.

During an aesthetic flat closure, extra skin, fat, and
other tissue in the breast area are removed. 

The remaining tissue is then tightened and smoothed out
so that the chest wall appears


Flat Closure is a Valid, Beautiful & Healthy
Reconstructive Option

One resource that continues to be vital for patients going flat and their medical team, are real life photos of aesthetic flat closure


When each of our board members went searching for photos of patients who had gone flat,  what we found were operating room photos of mastectomy incisions, or photos of women modeling breast prosthesis. 

But we wondered...

  • What does going flat (NOW known as aesthetic flat closure) look like under clothes?

  • If I "go flat" - what will my quality of life be like after?

  • When the flat closure is healed, what will the scar look like?

  • How do I dress myself after having a flat closure?

  • Will I retain any sensation in my chest if I go flat?

  • What does recovery look like?

So, we made it part of Flat Closure NOW's mission to create our own going flat photos to present to the world, along with lifting the advocacy work of beautiful humans in the flat communities by featuring their stunning images and stories. 

... Pictures & valuable information that was 
so needed when we were making decisions about our own mastectomies, but we are proud to present to you NOW.

Shay Sharpe Pink Wishes Breast Cancer Ch

What does flat closure look like?👇


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