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Flat Closure Now nonprofit organization for breast cancer and mastectomy patients in need of mastectomy pictures, patient stories, support and education on aesthetic flat closure, explant breast implants, and going flat.

The National Cancer Institute defines
"Aesthetic Flat Closure"

(going flat)


A type of surgery that is done to rebuild the shape of the chest wall
after one or both breasts are removed. 

An aesthetic flat closure may also be done after removal of
a breast implant that was used to restore breast shape.

During an aesthetic flat closure, extra skin, fat, and
other tissue in the breast area are removed. 

The remaining tissue is then tightened and smoothed out
so that the chest wall appears

Aesthetic Flat Closure
is a Valid, Beautiful
& Healthy
Reconstructive Option
Shay Sharpe Pink Wishes Breast Cancer Ch

What does going flat look like?👇


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